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Ministry of Health of Russian Federation
Certificate of Registration # 003263.Р.643.09.2001

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 - Dietary Supplement
Composition: Reindeer Antlers Powder containing 63 microelements and macroelements, 20 amino acids, multivitamins complex.
It is recommended as: 
General restorative –natural complex of biological 
active substances (macro- and microelements, amino acids, 
vitamins) possessing with immunomodulating, antioxidant and adoptogenous effects.

Individual intolerance of product’s components;
Conditions with contraindications for iodine preparations;
Patients with pathologies of the thyroid gland should consult
endocrinologist before administration.

Method of application:
- Children aged from 3 to 7   - 1 tablet (0,2 g) one-time/ day
- Children aged from 8 to 7   - 1 tablet (0,2 g) two times/day
- Children aged from 10 to 12   - 1 tablet/capsule (0,2 g) two times/day 
- Children over 12   - 2 tablets/capsules (0,2 g) one-two times/day with meal

Recommended course: month. Doses can be repeated every three months.
Packing:  capsules and tablets x 0,2 g. 
Storage conditions: Keep dry, protect from light.

Validity period: 2 years
TU 9219-001-48368130-01
Patent: РУ № 2077887 
Manufacturer: “Planeta Zdorovya- 2000 Ltd.”
6, Lesnaya Street, Khvastovichi, Kaluga region, Russia 249360
http: www.cigapan.ru

Additional scientific researches information:
63 macro elements and microelements* participating in:
 - Formation and strengthening of bone tissue: calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, silicon, boron; 
- Haemopoiesis processes: iron, cobalt, copper, nickel;
- Work of endocrinology system: iodine, bromine;
- Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism: manganese, chrome, vanadium, lithium;
- Antioxidant protection of organism: selenium, molybdenum;
- Strengthening of immune system: germanium, titanium, zinc;
- Regulation of work of cardio-vascular system: potassium, sodium, manganese;
- Activation of central nervous system: thallium, tellurium;

12 vitamins:
 - А, В1, В3, В6, В12, RR, D, В, N, Meso-inositol are essential for normal growth and development, increase of intellectual and physical efficiencies;  
- С, Е possess with antioxidant effect

20 amino acids are essential for normal vital activity of organism in the whole and participate in all vitally important processes including indispensable amino acids: Threonine, Valine, Methionine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Histidine.

1 capsule/tablet of Dietary Supplement (0.4 g) contains:


* The other elements are essential components of metabolism, normal functioning of all organs and systems. They are in low biological concentrations. 

Efficiency and Safety of Dietary Supplement
Efficiency and safety of DS “Cigapan” is confirmed by more than 60 scientific researches in leading Scientific Research Institutes (SRI) of Russia including Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children’s Surgery of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation in departments of Cardiovascular Pathologies, Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Genetics as well as Federal Children Scientific-Practical Center of Protection from Radiation. 

Russian Association of Pediatric Centers recommends Dietary Supplement to children for:
-    Prophylaxis of respiratory-virus deceases especially in autumnal-winter period;
-    Prophylaxis of decease and reduction of its duration
-    Decease of respiration organs
-    Prophylaxis of iodine insufficiency
-    Height increase and psychometric development
-    Vasoneurosis
-     Quick restoration after operations and serious illnesses
-    normalization of haempoiesis system
-    intestinal tract deceases such as chronic gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcer, bowels decease, large intestine decease
-    Acute poisoning as the enterosorbent agent 
-    Normalization of liver functional indices
-    Speeding-up of fractures healing
-    Osteoporosis 
-    Radiation-affected patients or patients lived on radiation-affected areas. 

The clinical efficiency of Dietary Supplement was evaluated as an invigorant in complex therapy: Vasoneurosis, osteoporosis, disbakteriosis, dermatitis, bronchial asthma, glomerulonefrit with nephritic syndrome in children received hormonal therapy with prednizolone, after radiological irradiation arisen from Chernobyl accident.


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